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Legal Interpretation Services (court, depositions, immigration, penal facilities, house calls)

Everyone knows how important it is to have a professional, certified, and competent interpreter with them when justice is to prevail during any trial, court appearance, deposition or jail visit. The quality, speed, accuracy, and professionalism of the interpreter are vital to be able to obtain the desired outcome. One only has one opportunity to present one’s case at court, only one time to present a compelling defense for your client. Have the best interpreter with you to make sure your limited English proficiency client has a real chance to win his/her case. Take no chances. When the stakes are high, go with the best to have a real chance.


In addition, we specialize in interpreting political asylum interviews at USCIS, which can prove to be quite complex and delicate. Many of your clients wait a lifetime for that interview at USCIS that will determine whether they are granted or denied asylum. It is extremely important that your interpreter is a true professional with the localized vocabulary, be it from some of the most volatile countries in Latin America, including Venezuela, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, and El Salvador. We can vividly interpret your client’s experiences in violent and unstable countries with utmost accuracy so the immigration officer can see the horrible realities that your client had to endure before he could make it to the United States. Give your clients the best interpreter that they can hire to express the harsh reality of their stories.

We started a new service for our legal services clientele. There are many law firms that handle Hispanic cases, yet their volume of Hispanic cases is not as big as to require that the law firm hires a full-time bilingual paralegal to take care of these cases. Sometimes many of these law firms are in areas with smaller Hispanic communities or in remote locations. Other times these law firms are law firms that are in major metropolitan areas but their main clientele is not Hispanic. Hiring a full-time paralegal, forces the law firm to provide a whole new yearly salary to this bilingual person and having to offer this newly hired person basic employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement, 401K, paid vacation, etc.

We offer a solution to this problem by using ODI & NS to take care of many of the tasks that this person performs saving your law firm a significant amount of money and time. We offer inexpensive call back/Small Legal Interpreting Services (SLIS) so you can inform your clients of upcoming court appointments or immediate notifications on their cases and instead of paying our company the industry’s standard two hours minimum we provide these services and bill you in half hour blocks. This service also allows you to notify your clients not only during normal business hours but also at times outside these hours increasing the likelihood of you getting hold of your client to discuss important matters in their cases that need immediate attention. Convenient, inexpensive, and reliable. You email us the instructions, make your payment using a major credit card in our website, we forward these instructions to your client, we send you an email with your client’s response, you get what you need done, and save yourself a lot of money and time.

Using our services allows your law firm to provide the same services that a big law firm provides at a fraction of the cost. Grow, increase the range of clients that you handle, increase your earnings, and save yourself and your law firm many problems. Another advantage that you have, is that instead of using a bilingual person with questionable qualifications, you use a certified court interpreter to deliver the message that was meant to be delivered by the courts. Come, give our services a try. 

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